Young Apprentice CIEE 2022: Vacancies, Salary and Jobs


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O CIEE é uma instituição cujo objetivo é inserir os jovens no primeiro job e oferecer qualificação profissional através de cursos técnicos.

Through the institution, young people can easily combine their studies with work and thus obtain the knowledge and qualifications necessary to enter the job market once and for all.

Many companies that open vacancies for the selection process Young Apprentice CIEE 2022 they are CIEE partners and send those selected to enroll in a course.

However, CIEE itself opens vacancies for the program to fill vacancies in professional courses.

Through Young Apprentice CIEE 2022 the student has the opportunity to join a technical course to gain knowledge about the chosen area so that, at the end of the course, they can join a company in this segment as an intern.

Course duration: CIEE Young Apprentice

The course lasts an average of 12 to 24 months and is great for young people looking for a quick qualification.

Several companies from different segments are CIEE partners and offer job vacancies Young Apprentice CIEE 2022 annually.

If you are already enrolled at the institution, your chances are even greater.

It is possible to combine practical learning with theoretical learning and thus become a great professional in your field through Young Apprentice CIEE 2022.

The job market currently places a lot of value on a technical course, so you have a guaranteed space regardless of the area and course you choose.

CIEE Young Apprentice: What are the Requirements

If you are interested in qualifying and getting your first job, before rushing to apply for a Young Apprentice CIEE 2022, you must be aware of all the requirements and fulfill them.

CIEE requires that the young person be between 14 and 24 years old, be enrolled in a public institution or have already completed high school.

Preferably, you should live close to a CIEE unit as well.

O Young Apprentice CIEE 2022 selecionado pela instituição para um curso tem a oportunidade de conseguir uma job vacancy em uma das empresas parceiras.

Nesses casos, receberá um salário de acordo com as horas trabalhadas e todos os benefícios trabalhistas como FGTS, INSS, férias remuneradas e 13º salário.

About registration: CIEE Young Apprentice

You can sign up for the Young Apprentice CIEE 2022 both online and in person.

It is recommended to contact the nearest unit to check registration deadlines.

Virtual registration can be done on the website, where you can also get more information.

To register for Young Apprentice CIEE 2022 You must select your state to be redirected to the corresponding portal.

Enter all your personal data correctly so that the company can contact you.

Você poderá sempre acessar o portal para verificar as novas opções de emprego de acordo com o seu curriculum e também ver os cursos disponíveis.

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Some companies open their Young Apprentice applications directly on the CIEE portal, so always keep an eye out so you don't miss any news.
