How to know if I am entitled to Bolsa Família – See if you will receive it or not!
All About the Benefit O Family Allowance (formerly Auxílio Brasil) is a Federal Government program that already serves more than 20 million people. However, many families living in poverty still do not receive the benefit. Therefore, we will explain here how to register.
What is Bolsa Família (formerly Auxílio Brasil) In short, it is an income transfer program developed by the Federal Government in 2021 and which replaced Bolsa Família. Therefore, its objective is very simple: to ensure that families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty have the minimum to survive.
In this way, the program provides monthly funds to these families in order to make them independent and escape from a vulnerable situation. Today, the benefit is coordinated by the Ministry of Citizenship, the agency responsible for selecting the benefits and sending the funds for payment.
How to download Well, downloading the Bolsa Família app (formerly Auxílio Brasil) is very simple, just follow our step-by-step guide. Here's how to download the app:
Step 1. First of all, open your app store, Apple Store or Play Store;
Step 2. Search for GOV.BR Brazil Aid;
Step 3. Click “Install”;
Step 4. Open the app;
Who can receive Obviously, Bolsa Família (formerly Auxílio Brasil) is not a benefit for everyone. There is a well-defined audience that can participate and enroll in this program. Therefore, see who can receive it:
- Families in extreme poverty – Those who have a monthly per capita income of up to R$1,040,000;
- Families in poverty – Those with a per capita income between R$ 105.01 and R$ 210;
- Emancipation rule – Establishes that some families can receive the benefit, even if one of their members is working with a formal contract. However, the monthly income must be between R$200 and R$500.
However, in the emancipation rule there is a very important detail:
Only families with pregnant women or people up to 21 years of age can receive assistance.
How to Apply Therefore, if you and your family meet the requirements to receive the benefit, it is essential to understand how to register. Today, the registration process is carried out in person, by going directly to a CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) unit closest to you. Thus, upon arriving there, the family member must request registration in the program and will then be asked to register with CadÚnico. This is because, today, registration with Cadastro Único is mandatory for anyone who wishes to receive any of the Federal Government's benefits.
Waiting list Those who are not registered with CadÚnico cannot receive Bolsa Família (formerly Auxílio Brasil) or any other benefit, such as gas vouchers. Therefore, after registering, the family enters the waiting list and must wait for the Ministry of Citizenship to analyze the release of the benefit. According to a study conducted by CNM, there are currently around 2.8 million people on the waiting list to receive the benefit. That said, to track your registration and release of the program funds, simply download the Auxílio Brasil app.
Required Documents When you arrive at the CRAS near your home to register for the program, it is important to present some documents for all family members. Therefore, among them we can mention:
- Photo ID, such as ID card;
- Voter registration card;
- Birth or marriage certificate;
- Updated proof of residence;
- Proof of income.
So, again it is worth mentioning here that today it is not possible to register for Bolsa Família (formerly Auxílio Brasil) online.
Amount of Brazil Aid Today, the benefit is paid in the amount of R$$ 600 to families that have been approved and meet the requirements. However, this amount would only be paid during the months of August, September, October, November and December. Therefore, in January 2023, the value of Bolsa Família (formerly Auxílio Brasil) would return to its original amount of R$$ 400, but by order of the president, the amount will remain at R$$ 600.
Receive Payment The Bolsa Família (formerly Auxílio Brasil) payment is made monthly by Caixa through a calendar that considers the final NIS number. In this way, families receive the amount in the digital social savings account, Caixa Tem, or through Poupança Caixa Fácil. In both applications, it is possible to move the money, whether by paying bank slips, electricity bills or transferring the amounts to another account.
Conclusion Bolsa Família (formerly Auxílio Brasil) is an income transfer program that aims to help families living in poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil. Therefore, if you meet the requirements to receive the benefit, register at the nearest CRAS and wait for approval.