How to get a scholarship at Unit?

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UNIT, Tiradentes University, formerly Colégio Tiradentes, is a renowned university in Sergipe, being the first in the state.

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Starting in 1962 as a school, it strived to improve the level of education offered in northeastern Brazil.

In 10 years, he graduated from college and later, university, starting to work directly in Higher Education.

Since its inception, the institution has placed great value on the physical structure and educational support provided to students.

Throughout its history, it built five campuses within the state (Centro, Propriá, Farolândia, Itabaiana and Estância) and expanded its activities in other areas of the northeast through 23 distance education support centers.

UNIT Sergipe draws attention due to the number of students enrolled: 38,000 in this unit alone.

This is due, in addition to the structure, to the more than 60 courses offered by the institution, distributed between Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, in addition to Specialization and Doctorate courses.


One of the parts that enables the high quality teaching provided by UNIT is its infrastructure.

The total area of the headquarters is 255,000 m2, enough space to accommodate the 150,000 documents stored in its library, including books, documentaries, maps, monographs... Etc.

In addition to it, the space has other buildings located on site:

  • Laboratories: the laboratories have cutting-edge technology for each teaching area. It is through it that research and other academic studies are carried out;
  • Theatre: the institution has its own theater used for graduations and student work;
  • Olympic Village: students have access to a sports center and competitions between the institution's teams and others;
  • Mini shopping mall: the area where UNIT is located has a small shopping mall for students and teachers;
  • Psychological clinic: offers free services or services at below-market prices to students, teachers and the community;
  • Legal Practices Center: offers assistance with pending legal matters, offering meetings to the parties involved in the process, seeking conciliation.


The most evident mark regarding UNIT courses is the teaching methodology applied directly to market needs.

The institution knows which gaps hold back development in the job market and prepares students to fill them.

Degrees, in a single path, allow the student to carry out various activities in the external environment.

He is prepared to identify what institutions need and will act directly, presenting a practical solution and concise work.

From a distance it is no different.

UNIT encompasses students in the disciplines of the virtual environment and encourages them to practice them in the external environment.

Even if present most of the time at home, the student will have the same perception and qualifications as the students in the face-to-face module.


UNIT provides student entry via the internet, in a specific tab for the activity.

Registration also includes the Medicine course.

Check it step by step:

  • 1st: Enter the and click on the “Menu” button on the left;
  • 2nd: Choose the first option “Sign up”;
  • 3rd: Select the course of your choice;
  • 4th: Continue your registration by providing all your necessary personal and contact details. After this, you can complete your registration. Now, just wait for the day and time of the test.


Você pode tentar adquirir uma scholarship para minimizar seus gastos com as mensalidades.

If you are one of the first placed in the entrance exam, UNIT will grant you a scholarship for your good performance.

Another way to get the scholarship is through your Enem score.

If you present a good result in the exam, you can win a scholarship when joining UNIT.

If you still don't fit into the above paths, don't worry.

There are other options to guarantee a good discount on the course and now Quero Bolsa comes into play.

Here's how to proceed:

  • 1st: In the link, you will inform which course you intend to take. Click on “See scholarships”;
  • 2nd: The system will show you each scholarship available for that course at the moment. I suggest a detailed search, as this way you will have a better chance of getting the 30% at a discount. Click on “See details” and “I want this scholarship”;
  • 3rd: Start your registration with the corresponding data and print the registration fee charged at the end of it. When registering at the university, present the invoice to request the discount. The discount is valid until the end of the course.

For more information, you can contact UNIT on 0800 729 2100 or leave a message in the “Contact us” tab on the page

If you are a resident of the region, the university is at Rua Lagarto, N° 236, in the Center of Aracaju, in Sergipe.
