Scholarships at Estácio de Sá 2022


Step-by-step guide Estácio de Sá. Now on the official website you have the option to apply for the University's scholarship program. Also, you can get up to 60% discount.


You will see here:

  1. Scholarships
  2. I want bag
  3. Estácio Benefits

For 49 years building a legacy in the educational area, Estácio de Sá University is a reference when it comes to higher education in the country.

Initially founded as a law school in the heart of Rio de Janeiro, it opened its range of options and today offers a wide range of courses.

With a total of 70 campuses spread across 20 states and the Federal District, the university is responsible for the education of more than 220,000 students, almost 65% of which are in-person students and the rest taught remotely.

More than 10 years after its formation, Estácio realized a need in the breadth of teaching.

Migrating from College to University status, the institution covered the options and began offering other courses in the area of Humanities.

Not satisfied, she introduced courses in the area of Communication and Business into her schedule.

Innovating the higher education market in Rio de Janeiro and later in Brazil, it expanded to other areas of education. In total, it has almost 250 courses in its curriculum.

Despite the magnitude of its history and teaching methodology, new students can start studying by paying a monthly fee of less than R$100.00.


Knowing the dreams of thousands of students with Higher Education and knowing the obstacles that may prevent them from studying, Estácio maintains a productive partnership with the Quero Bolsa program.

Offering up to 60% discount on monthly fees, the student has access to a high quality higher education course while paying less than half the price of monthly fees.

As stated above, the institution offers almost 250 courses in the areas of Law, Financial Management, Logistics, Gastronomy, Pedagogy… Etc.

Regardless of the teaching method, be it Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Master's, Doctorate or EAD, in addition to free courses, Estácio facilitates student entry to the institution through the scholarships offered.

I want a bag

Despite the long path it takes to enter university, it is very simple to apply for one of the scholarships offered by the program.

The path is made through the website The address is self-explanatory, but we will give you a guide on how to proceed:

  • 1st: After entering the field on the website, type in the search which course you want to take and where you want to study. Go to “See scholarships”.
  • 2nd: The page will update and you will have access to the places where scholarships are offered for the course you want. In addition to the value, the website will show the duration of the course, period and the number of scholarships available. Select “Details for this scholarship”.
  • 3rd: The website will display detailed information about the course, including its location. If you agree with the conditions to purchase it, click on “I want this bag”.

When you complete your registration, you can pay the pre-registration fee and take the Estácio entrance exam as normal. Don't forget to present proof of payment when registering in person at the institution.

The fee is a single fee and the discount offered by the scholarship is valid until the end of the course. Even if you give up on registering at the university, Quero Bolsa is responsible for refunding the money paid for pre-registration. In other words, you never lose.

Estácio Benefits

Estácio is recognized not only for the quality of its courses, but also for a series of benefits that the student has access to throughout the course.

Free of charge, it usually offers online courses and lectures for students and visitors. The most recent takes place in the first half of February.

jovem estudante na universidade
internet playback

Students and visitors to the site will be able to attend a lecture on employment, entrepreneurship and the new job market. For Liliana Sebusiani, employability manager at Estácio, these lectures offer students a better view of what is highlighted in the current professional market.

“Through them, students will watch current content, which is changing the job market and creating new ways of seeing employment”, he comments.

Furthermore, the institution offers discounts on the first monthly course fees and a reduction on the cost of the second degree, without the need for a new entrance exam, as your points are saved.

Not enough, you even receive a discount if you decide to transfer your course from another university to Estácio.

Então, o que você está esperando? Corre agora para garantir a sua bolsa de estudos e construa um futuro de sucesso.

Estácio's courses are internationally recognized and add value when you want to find better job opportunities. Accessing higher education has never been easier.
